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Managing Your Investments

After you have a well-thought-out plan, your Investment Policy Statement (IPS) establishes clear guidelines for your investments and sets an asset allocation that is appropriately tailored with your unique goals in mind. Each investment recommendation has a specific purpose and fills a need within your plan.

Within the IPS, we recommend which of your accounts should be used to hold each of your investments in a tax efficient manner. For example, some types of investments are more tax efficient if held in an IRA account, while it would be better to hold others in a Roth IRA or a non-qualified account.

Your investments are each tracked and reconciled daily so they can be continually evaluated and rebalanced. This keeps your portfolio on target.

You stay informed through quarterly reporting and annual face-to-face reviews so you know how you are progressing with your plan.


360° Wealth Management

Your Financial Planning

Everything starts with your plan—an intricate reflection of what is most important to you and what you want to accomplish with your wealth—a clear path to your goals.

Managing Your Investments

Investments are managed based on clear guidelines appropriate for your unique goals. They are tracked and reconciled daily and continually rebalanced to keep you on target.

Coordinated Tax Planning

With coordinated tax strategies, your investment plan works seamlessly with your tax plan so that your investments are made in the most tax efficient way possible.

Your Legacy Planning

It’s often surprising how much legacy planning impacts the rest of your financial plan. To protect your loved ones, it’s important that this piece is not overlooked.

Protecting Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle protection through proper insurance is essential to protect your assets and therefore your lifestyle.

Your Personal Chief Financial Officer

With your very own, personal Chief Financial Officer (CFO) you have access to a sounding board early and often for any financial question or problem you encounter.

Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of the adviser’s services will vary based upon a variety of factors, such as the client’s investment, tax, and financial circumstances and overall objectives. The effectiveness and potential success of investment management services depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the client’s overall amount of investment assets, contribution and withdrawal rates, risk tolerance and investment objectives, and market conditions. Neither personalized nor tailored services should be construed as a guarantee of a particular outcome. Onyx Financial Advisors, LLC is not an accounting firm and does not offer or provide accounting or tax advice. Onyx Financial Advisors, LLC is not an insurance agency or insurance company. Insurance sales are conducted by licensed insurance agents in their separate and individual capacities. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including risk of loss.