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Good Stuff

  1. November 13, 2024
    As we start the fourth quarter of 2024, there is no shortage of predictions about the future of the economy and stock market. We live in a changing world full of uncertainty and surprises that no one can predict. A quick look at the last 100 years reveals astounding changes in technology, medicine, and politics; however, this look back also emphasizes the effects of greed and fear just as we see today. When faced with uncertainty about the future, people are easily persuaded by relationships with...
  2. By: Terry Roe
    November 01, 2024
    According to U.S. News & World Report, typical high-net-worth individuals hold between $1million and $5 million in liquid assets. If you’re a high-net-worth individual, it’s essential to be informed about the tax-planning strategies available to you. Below is a list of several tax strategies designed to optimize wealth preservation and tax efficiency. Max Out Your Retirement Savings Options One of the first strategies is to maximize your retirement savings. This can be done using an IRA, a 401(k)...
  3. October 15, 2024
    There is a line from The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel referring to the stock market that strikes a chord with me. It reads, “You can be optimistic that the long-term growth trajectory is up and to the right, but equally sure that the road between now and then is filled with landmines and always will be. The idea that something can gain in the long run while being a basket case in the short run is not intuitive. But it’s how a lot of things work in life.” Daily headlines and market news can...
  4. February 27, 2024
    Do you have a financial coach in your corner working to create a plan specific to your needs and goals? A plan that will help you weather the fluctuations of the market, while avoiding making investment decitions based on emotion? A good financial advisor provides great asset management, along with great advice. 
  5. September 14, 2023
    Join Jake DeKinder, Dimensional Fund Advisors VP & Head of Client Communications, along with Aaron Sautter and Lyndsay Goody of Onyx Financial Advisors for a conversation about major events dominating financial news this year and their impact on investors. From the recent U.S. credit rating downgrade to the rise of big tech stocks, there has been plenty for investors to digest in 2023. We will discuss these events in the context of applying key principles to help investors make smart, informed...
  6. January 31, 2023
    By David Booth, Chairman & Founder of Dimensional Fund Advisors One of the best things about markets is that they don’t have memories. They don’t remember what happened last week or last year. They don’t even remember what happened a minute ago. Prices change based on what’s happening right now and what people think will happen in the future. People have memories. Markets don’t. And that’s a good thing. So as you start 2023, take a lesson from the market. Don’t begin this new year bogged down...
  7. June 20, 2022
    It’s common for people to move south in search of more sunshine. But do they expect balmy conditions all the time? No. That’s the weather, which can change from day to day. Instead, they’re relocating for the climate, the conditions they expect over the long term. Because while it will often be sunny, people know a thunderstorm can blow through. Daily stock movements are like the weather – they vary from day to day. While some days will bring rain, you invest because you expect to be rewarded over...
  8. March 20, 2022
    In 2021, Fidelity Investments conducted a study to gather insights into women’s attitudes and behaviors surrounding investing. While more women than ever are taking a seat at the investing table, only 31% feel confident planning for their financial needs in retirement. As an experienced financial advisor, I have found that, within married couples, one spouse is typically less interested in being part of the financial decision-making process. Often, it is the wife. While this article is directed towards...
  9. By: Terry Roe
    March 06, 2022
    Tax planning is financial planning for tax efficiency. Early in my career, in simpler times , tax planning was often thought of as simply deferring income and accelerating deductions at year end. Some st ill have, what I consider, this short-term view. They think successful tax planning is paying the lowest tax legally possible for a given year. In today’s complex world, this short-term view can prove to be very costly to accomplishing your long-term financial planning goals. Before sharing tax planning...
  10. February 20, 2022
    We’re kicking off the new year with many consumer products in short supply; however, predictions about the stock market and the economy are plentiful. With uncertainty surrounding interest rates, supply chains and inflation, the economic disruptions of the past two years have left us wondering whether markets will ever return to “normal.” One thing remains unchanged: markets and the economy are unpredictable. Despite investors’ worst fears during the past two years, the S&P 500 index has gained...
  11. By: Terry Roe
    February 17, 2021
    My partner, Aaron Sautter, has written a great article entitled “2020 Stock Market Lessons.” The lessons learned in 2020 are a synopsis of investment lessons repeated over the decades. I would like to take you back and revisit the last decade, 2010–2019. Each of us, no doubt, experienced many ups and downs during the decade. However, very few of us experienced only the joys of life and none of the heartache. The financial markets are a bit like life, full of ups and downs. Unfortunately, unlike...
  12. February 08, 2021
    Has it only been a year? I know I’m not the only one asking the question. So much has already been said about the year 2020. The COVID-19 health crisis and the subsequent social and political unrest this past year have forced us all to adapt to an ever-changing environment. The disruptions have left many of us wondering whether life will ever return to “normal”. With emotions on edge and our trust waning, we turn the page on 2020 and look to a new year. How do we make sense of all of these changes?...
  13. September 28, 2020
    It’s almost Election Day in the US once again. While the outcome of the election is uncertain, one thing we can count on is that plenty of opinions and prognostications will be floated in the days to come. In financial circles, this will almost assuredly include any potential for perceived impact on markets. But should long-term investors focus on elections? We would caution our clients against making short-term changes to a long-term plan to try to profit or avoid losses from changes in the political...
  14. March 30, 2020
    It has come to our attention that there are a number of new scams regarding stimulus payment processing and phishing campaigns that are using COVID-19 as a lure. Here are some tips to help you avoid being the victim of such scams: If you got a phishing email, forward it to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at If you got a phishing text message, forward it to SPAM (7726). Report the phishing attack to the FTC at The information you give can help...
  15. March 16, 2020
    As we look back at the 2019 stock market performance, what lessons can we take with us into 2020 and beyond? In January of 2019, many investors were anticipating a recession, and unfortunately some investors followed their “gut” and sold stock, expecting the December 2018 stock market decline to continue. The S&P 500 declined 7.18%, including reinvested dividends, from November 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018. Despite investors’ worst fears, the S&P 500 gained 31.49%, including reinvested...
  16. March 11, 2020
    We recognize that recent news of the spread of the coronavirus, coupled with the market volatility we have experienced over the last few weeks can be worrying. The uncertainty is being felt around the globe, and it is unsettling on a human level as well as from the perspective of how markets respond. Market declines can occur when investors are forced to reassess expectations for the future. The expansion of the outbreak is causing worry among governments, companies, and individuals about the impact...

The articles provided on this page are intended to be educational and informational only. The content describes our firm’s and our professionals’ recommendations or opinions as of a specific prior date. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, that information may no longer be reflective of current opinions or recommendations. While information presented is believed to be factual and up to date, Onyx Financial Advisors, LLC does not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No reader should assume that the publication of any of this material serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from Onyx Financial Advisors, LLC or from any other investment professional. Readers should not use this content as the sole basis for any investment, financial planning, tax, legal or other decisions. Rather, a professional adviser should be consulted, and independent due diligence should be conducted before implementing any of the options referenced herein. Onyx Financial Advisors, LLC is neither a law firm nor an accounting firm. The tax and estate planning information provided is general in nature. It is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Readers, clients, and prospective clients should consult an attorney or tax professional regarding their specific legal or tax situation.